Online question database
The database contains a total of more than 150 questions that can be filtered according to the corporate sector (Automotive, HR, Education / Training, Other) and filling manager position (senior / middle manager). When creating a questionnaire, the person in charge selects questions from the database that are relevant to the company, then sends the generated link to those who he/she wants to complete it. The staff members will enter the questionnaire by clicking on the link, and after filling it out, the creator can see automatically generated statistics from the responses. Filling and evaluation are done anonymously. The survey helps to map the current status and needs of the company's innovation management system.
Brainstorming platform
At the final stage of the project, we developed an online social platform to support the generation of innovative ideas. The base of this tool is the use of the brainstorming technique, in which various ideas of solution can be generated to solve a certain issue. The ideas can range from less realistic visions to more useful suggestions that might also be implemented. These ideas then can be unfolded, and then useful suggestions selected and can be developed further.
Brainstorming it is a creative tool to improve the company’s knowledge portfolio. The employees of different companies and different departments within the company can have different visions, therefore different ideas and suggestions will be generated to solve an actual (or hypothetic) problem.
Event in September
Between 21-22 September. 2016 CENELEC will organize an event on the topic. The program includes sessions on the following topics: standardization in support of smart technologies, standards for the service economy,and how standards support consumers, workers and environmental interests.
Innovation voucher tender
The Hungarian Ministry of Economics announced a tender focused on involving the micro, small and medium businesses into the innovation chain, as well as to strengthen the intensity of R&D&I activity int he corporate sector.
Do you know what does CEN stand for? European Committee for Standardization (Comité Européen de Normalisation)